Major domestic corporations in which our Confederation, the sole umbrella organization authorized to legally represent Turkish employers in industrial relations, fulfils its representative function: 

Committee on the Legal Policies Council

Directorate of Strategy and Budget Specialization Commission

Coordination Committee for the Improvement of the Investment Climate (YOİKK) Working Life Workgroup

Economic and Social Council

Labour Council

Tripartite Advisory Council

Social Security Institution, General Board and Administrative Board

Social Insurance Supreme Board of Health

Social Security Supreme Advisory Board

Turkish Employment Agency General Board and Administrative Board

Turkish Employment Agency Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Boards

High Board of Arbitration

Official Mediator Selection Committee

Vocational Qualification Authority

Turkish Qualifications Framework Council

Minimum Wage Determination Commission

Commission Authorized to Use the Sums Deducted as Monetary Fines from the Labourers’ Wages

Commission Authorized to Use the Sums Deducted as Monetary Fines from Employers who do not Employ Disabled or Formerly Convicted People

Minimum Workmanship Determination Commissions

Determination Commission of Subsistence Allowance

National Occupational Health and Safety Council

Commission for Combatting Dust

Personal Protective Equipment Technical Committee

Hazard Classes Commission

National Employment Strategy Monitoring and Evaluation Committee

Vocational Counselling Commission

Labour Market Information Advisory Committee

Supreme Board for the Handicapped

Committee for Combatting Psychological Abuse

Women’s Employment National Monitoring and Coordination Committee

EU Education and Youth Programs Advisory Board

Provincial Coordination Boards

Turkish Patent Institute Advisory Board

Turkish Industrial Strategy Monitoring and Guidance Committee

Turkish Industrial Dispatch and Management Institute Advisory Board

Consumer Council

Advisory Council

Justice Commission

Plan and Budget Commission

Health, Family, Labour and Social Affairs Commission

Industry, Commerce, Energy, Natural Resources, Information and Technology Commission

TİSK Microsurgery and Reconstruction Foundation Board of Trustees

Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV) General Board

MEKSA General Board and Administrative Board

Economic Development Foundation (İKV) General Board and Administrative Board

Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation (TAPV) Board of Trustees

İstanbul Arbitration Centre (İSTAC)


TİSK represents Turkish employers and the private sector in many important international platforms.

Founded in October 1919, ILO revised its statutes in 1946 and became the first specialised agency of the newly formed United Nations (UN). The main aims of ILO are the attainment full employment, provision of social protection improvement of living standards and implementation of policies that promote decent work and equal opportunities for all people. To that end, ILO adopts conventions and recommendations on basic human rights and freedoms, employment, and education policies, working conditions, social security, and other social issues.

ILO brings together 187 member States including Turkey and represents governments, employers, and workers.

Representing Turkish employers, our Confederation attends the International Labour Conference which is the supreme decision-making body of ILO and convenes once a year in June in Geneva, Switzerland. The Confederation officially provides ILO with its observations on Turkish labour market and working life, notably within the scope of ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) process.


Founded in 1920 in Geneva and representing over 155 employer organisations in over 150 countries, IOE is the largest network of employers in the world.

On behalf of all employers worldwide, IOE contributes to all efforts related to employment, social policies, trade and entrepreneurship in all notable international platforms including ILO, UN,G20 and G7 and promotes employers’ interests on these platforms.


Founded in 1958 in Brussels, BusinessEurope is a regional employer organisation with 40 employer organisations from 35 countries in its membership, including our Confederation who joined in 1988. Representing enterprises across Europe, BusinessEurope advocates employers’ interests on issues that most influence the performance of these enterprises. Participating in EU’s policy making processes as employer representative and social partner, BusinessEurope represents European employers on global platforms.


With 45-member employer organizations from 37 countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), BIAC’s main goal is to represent the business world on behalf of OECD, and make sure that employers’ and private sector’s interests are considered in the policy-making processes of OECD.

In 1989, our Confederation became a member of BIAC headquartered in Paris. 


As a result of the process which began in 1995 upon the European Council’s adoption of EU’s recommendation to strengthen its Mediterranean policy, the Union of Mediterranean Confederation of Enterprises was founded at the 5th European-Mediterranean Private Sector Summit held on March 1-2, 2002 in Istanbul.

Headquartered in Tunisia, BUSINESSMED’s main goal is to increase coordination and cooperation between the private sector actors in the region and to develop relations of production and trade among the countries in the region.


Established on November 16, 1995 within the framework of Article 27 of the EU-Turkey Association Agreement, JCC brings together members of the European Economic and Social Committee and social partners and representatives of non-governmental organisations in Turkey.

During our country’s EU accession process, JCC brings recommendations to the attention of the Government of the Republic of Turkey, Eu-Turkey Association Council, the European Parliament, and the European Commission, while working to improve the climate of dialogue and cooperation between different economic and social interest groups in Turkey.

Global Apprenticeship Network (GAN) was established under the leadership of IOE, BIAC and ILO in 2013 to develop opportunities for work-based learning which is one of the most effective ways of preventing shortage of workforce and competence and reduce youth unemployment in this day and age when work life and the competencies needed in the labour market are in constant flux.

GAN initiated the creation of national networks to enable more efficient advocacy at national level in concordance with different economic, cultural, and corporate conditions in each country. Within that framework, GAN Turkey was founded by our Confederation on February 25, 2015 and thus became the very first national network to have been established in the world. 


Established in 2013 by the EU, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) is a platform that brings together governments and the private sector, social partners, chambers, providers of vocational and technical education, youth organisations and think tanks.  Its main goal is to enhance the quality and image of work-based learning in Europe.

Our Confederation became a member in 2015.


UNGC commenced its activities in 2000 with the objective to encourage the adoption of responsible work practices and values embraced by the UN in the world of business and work life in general, calling companies and private sector enterprises to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals.

The UN Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative with over 13000 corporate participants in over 160 countries.

Headquartered in New York, UNGC operates through local networks in countries across the world.  Global Compact Network in Turkey has been active since 2002 and was established as an official platform through the collaborative effort of our Confederation and TÜSİAD (Turkish Industry and Business Association) in 2013.
