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About TISK
Established on 20 December 1962, TİSK is the sole umbrella organization authorized to represent Turkish employers in industrial relations nationally and internationally.
Having been the shared voice of enterprises for the last 62 years, our Confederation aims to generate macro-level solutions in fields of activity where the member business associations are represented and to contribute towards the creation of a social order pertaining to the country’s supra-political affairs in the context of professional life, such as minimum wage, social dialogue, and labour peace.
With its headquarters located in Ankara, TİSK embodies 21 member employers’ association operating in various industrial and economic sectors including public services.
Production, industrial relations, competitiveness, productivity, registered employment, collective labour agreements, foreign trade zones constitute TİSK’s main topics of focus and activity.
2 million people are employed in approximately 10.000 workplaces registered under member associations. Operating as a voluntary organization, TİSK is financed through the subscription fees of the member associations.
Since its founding, TİSK has been organizing seminars, conventions, and conferences in cognizance of the national conjuncture influencing work life, while keeping employers informed through a continuous output of publications and reports. In this context, the confederation now has an extensive archive of publications that can prove greatly beneficial to employers and employees in Turkey.
As a social partner, TİSK represents employers on all platforms that operate on the basis of tripartite representation. At national level, TİSK partakes in the Economic and Social Council, Tripartite Advisory Board, Labour Assembly, Turkish Employment Agency, Social Security Institution, and the relevant committees of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. At international level, TİSK represents Turkish employers on various global platforms including the International Labour Organization (ILO), International Organization of Employers (IOE), The Confederation of European Business (BusinessEurope), through the course of G20/B20, Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) at OECD, Turkey-EU Joint Advisory Committee, and the Union of Mediterranean Confederation of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED).
TISK | Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations
TISK Board of Committees
Board of Directors comprises a president, three vice presidents and board members elected every three years.
Executive Board comprises 9 members including the President, vice presidents and 5 members elected by the Board of Directors from within. The Executive Board convenes at least once a month and reports its activities to the Board of Directors.
Supervisory Board comprises three members who are elected every three years by the General Board. In the first meeting, a president, a member, and a deputy member are elected. The outcome of the supervisions conducted by the Supervisory Board is reported monthly to the Board of Directors.
Disciplinary Board comprises five members who are elected every three years by the General Board. The Disciplinary Board convenes upon the request or the call of the General Board, the Board of Directors, or the Supervisory Board for the purpose of hearing and investigating a matter.
Advisory Council contributes to the work of the Confederation by developing policies on behalf of the employers regarding the Turkish economy and work life, as well as sharing ideas and suggestions. The Council comprises 60 members who are determined by the Board of Management in view of regional representation.
Coordination Board of Secretaries General comprises the secretaries general of the member unions at the Directorate of the Confederation Secretary General and convenes every 2 months. The Board assists the Confederation by reviewing and discussing the legislations and resolutions concerning work life, ascertains the problems encountered during practice and application, and ensures the administration of necessary measures.